Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring snow

Spring arrived this week, and in typical spring fashion the tension in the air expressed itself. It was relatively warm and humid, then turned relatively cold and snowy. It’s all relative really. As I heard comments that it was hot and humid, it was never really the draining hot and humid of summer. Also the comments on the annoyance of the snow and cold, it never really was the bitter coldness of winter.

The snow had a romantic beauty about it, as one of my friends alluded to me. Being from Vietnam, her only visions of snow had been scenes from Korean dramas where it always seemed to come up in more romantic situations. Now that she is here who idea of it has changed to the negative. She doesn’t like the snow know, because “one, it is cold; two, it is dirty; three, I don’t like driving in it.” Winter snow tends to get ugly pretty quick. Her typical feelings was not really ever summed up in our conversation. She feels bad she never got a chance to take a picture of it.

It was a picturesque snow. The storm was moderate to heavy for a number of hours. If one could step back and give some time to appreciate it for its peacefulness. Big heavy flakes making their way to the ground. Nighttime snow also has the effect of holding the glow from the city lights. Even as I made my way home from work, the lights of the city seemed closer than usual. When I woke in the morning, the hours of falling snow made for a landscape of beauty…fleeting beauty. The snow of spring is fleeting, because it will melt away in hours.

How sorrowful the spring snow can be. A new beginning comes at the expense of an ending. As tiring as a season can become; as we may rush to usher in the good and joyous of what lies ahead, she tends to remind us of what made us fall in love with her in the first place. The irresistible energy of spring has met the immovable nature of winter. It is a joy to watch.